Your massage table says a lot about your business, from a casual perspective to a professional go-getter. Outfit your massage business with a table that matches your style, but also performs a functional duty. The Everest Eclipse and Everest Eclipse Tilt models offer top quality in an electric lift tables. Complete with a sturdy cabinet below the table, you control the height adjustments with fluidity using a control switch. The Lift, Tilt and Salon models all use a single pedestal height adjustment using a metal construction throughout the base. You choose the upholstery color to match your office perfectly. It is even possible to select an electric or manual mechanism, depending on your budget and daily needs.

Earthlite even offers a trolley, providing you with a rolling cabinet full of all the essentials. From lotions to sheets, your massage business cannot survive without ample supplies and table choices. Browse through Earthlite's inventory today to match your style with new accessories..